Cultural Co-ordination Committee
Sri Ram Vidyapeeth Cultural Coordination Committee is working with
an objective of giving a holistic approach to professional higher education. The
Committee intends to create an atmosphere, which is intellectually and aesthetically
stimulating for the community on the campus.
In the pursuit of its objective, cultural and intellectual activities are held.
In addition, the Committee also organizes workshops, seminars, lectures, demonstrations
and stage performances on various topics relating to Humanities for the community
of Sri Ram Vidyapeeth and the general public. The activities are informal and are
intended to sensitize the academic world to other dimensions of human experience
and knowledge, with the hope that this would enrich the lives of students and make
them aware of their social responsibilities and understand the implications of their
The Committee’s activities are also aimed to orient them towards standards of equality,
justice and a humanist culture. These activities are held throughout the year and
eminent people in their respective fields are invited from all over India to take
part in these programs.
Some of the areas picked by the Committee to provide exposure to the students are:
- Local theatrical arts
- Literature, music, painting, cinema and other fine arts
- History and philosophy of science
- Cultural responses to globalization
- Ecology and environment
- Culture, religion and philosophy
- Functional knowledge of local and foreign languages
All students who are interested to participate in these events can contact their
Institutional Staff Cultural Coordinator, who is the link between the Vidyapeeth
Cultural Coordination Committee and concerned institution. Students can register
their names to receive communication on email regarding various programs organized
by the Committee. Upcoming artistes in the field of classical music, dance etc.
can also utilize the opportunity provided by the Committee to showcase their talents
by registering their names with the Institutional Cultural Coordinator.