Fresh Water/Cleanliness & Sanitization Program
Fresh Water/Cleanliness & Sanitization Program: Most of the
diseases prevalent in rural India are due to lack of sanitation and poor quality
of drinking water. Ground water gets contaminated from field defecation and excess
use of pesticides and fertilizers — causing gastroenteritis, jaundice, diarrhea,
typhoid, and other diseases. Part of the problem is that the villagers are often
unaware of the issues, and do not appear to mind the buildup of public garbage or
want to change the latrine habits to which they are accustomed. A cleanliness drive
is an integral part of the Society’s activity. It includes spreading the knowledge
on soak pits, stand posts with taps, latrines, street sweeping and garbage disposal.
Soak pits are initially introduced to homes that are closest to the three or four
main village streets, so that their domestic water does not flow into these streets.
We believe that after a critical mass is reached, we should witness an exponential
With a view to brand all water and sanitation projects under one umbrella, the Society
have initiated the ‘Swach Jal Abhiyan’. Primary objectives of ‘Swach Jal Abhyan’
are to create awareness among the communities about safe drinking water across the
country and its impact on health. This campaign would be operationalized over the
coming year. The Society would also work towards spreading its water and sanitation
interventions across poorvanchal Uttar Pradesh.