SD Institute of Para Medical Studies

The institute was established with full extensive support of our Chief Patron. The institute was established in the year 2010, in an remote rural area of Ballia to provide the medical assistance for the health of the general public, which was lacking behind in the area, especially in the field of eye & dental care through free Medical check- ups, operating Cataracts, Intra-Ocular Lens Implantation by latest technique (Phaco-Emulsifier), YAG Laser facilities, perimetry, A&B Scan, etc.

We are working with the government in achieving goals for health through its various health programmes like “Pulse Polio Immunization Programme”. During each drive more than 3500 childrens are given polio drops.

We are dedicated to uplift the rural persons in the society by providing them education above school and below school level and to create general awareness towards health specially that in an old age.

We are committed to accord quality education in the para medical field and are known for it. We are working as a team of dedicated workers to provide best education at affordable fees for every sector of the society.

To provide financial relief to poor and needy students which is the integral part of the main objective of the Institute. The same can be judged by various announcements made from time to time, laid down provisions in their respect such as fee concessions/exemptions or concessions in Hostel Charges, etc.

Diploma in Dental Assistant is not recognized by Dental Council of India in any manner nor its registration is carried out at the aforesaid council. This course is for the assistance of the doctors only.

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